Culinary Medicine
A Recipe for an Effective Nutritional Change
Dr. Rani Polak
(This webinar will be held in English)
What will we learn?
We invite you to get to know a new field in the world of medicine, which deals with the importance of home cooking and its contribution to our health – culinary medicine. In the lecture we will talk, among other things, about implementing healthy cooking at home, adapting the kitchen for healthy cooking and creating a healthy menu. We will also discuss which products should be bought, explore the example of legumes, and more.
45 mins lecture, 15 mins Q&A session
Dr. Rani Polak
Dr. Rani Polak is the founding director of both the Culinary Healthcare Education Fundamentals (CHEF) Coaching program at the Institute of Lifestyle Medicine, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Boston, USA and the Center of Lifestyle Medicine at Sheba Medical Center, Tel Aviv, Israel. Dr. Polak’s focus, along with clinical care, is on clinical and translational research relating to the Culinary Coaching method which combine culinary training with health coaching principles. Dr. Polak is the PI of the Culinary CoRe (Culinary Coaching Research) group which aims at expanding culinary coaching as an effective, scalable telemedicine method to improve nutrition. He is also a course director of a medical education program at Harvard Medical School that disseminates culinary coaching to hundreds of clinicians worldwide.
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in collaboration with PAN International